This was a lot alike fanfiction... I wonder if it was at some point.
Ok, so the plot was really cute at first... it started sort of well. I like that idea she has of people ratings, because that's a lot like the way I see it. BUT, like always on these books, she's not actually the number she gives herself, she sees herself as a 2 or 3 out of a 10, when she's clearly higher on the scale. But that's a classic move authors seems to love these days, the heroine thinks herself to be so plain when shel, in fact, is not. Whatever...
Then, Mitch. He's gorgeous, a police officer and bossy as fuck. Seriously, I have issues with him and with Mara letting him do whatever he wants with her. He's not evil, but he just tells her what to do all the time, even that she needs to take birth control pills but he doesn't asks! He demands. Fuck.that.shit. You're turning the 10 man into a 2 right there. Men that tell women what to do ain't hot.